Why he wants Bruce Willis and Liam Neeson to keep doing action movies

Fox Kerry
2 min readSep 12, 2017

He struts his stuff, he wheels his dapper,

his cape is a water-proof shield of justice. He reads the paper, and watches a movie, while treading the mill at his downtown gym. The girls still wink at him, and it makes him feel good in far away places. And that’s why he needs James Bond to ever live on. That’s why he doesn’t want Liam Neeson to retire from playing that Taken Savage who tells the young upstart terrorists where they get off.

Bottom Line, men don’t wish to die.

They’re terrified of it. Would sell everything they have twice to keep on going. And if for one moment they can imagine again that Bruce Willis is only embodying the action they will surely one day soon again pull off themselves, well that is a sip from the fountain of staying-alivedness.

At some point actors like Willis, and Neeson, Deniro and others have to feel silly, pretending they can take 20 rock fists to the aging face. Pretending their innards are still made of steel. At some point they must begin to feel that the joke is on them when their box office numbers take a beating. And will their agents help them. Probably never. They don’t want to die at all either.



Fox Kerry

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.