The Flat Earth Story

Fox Kerry
10 min readNov 10, 2017

(And Why it’s at all Compelling)

Haven’t learned a ton about the flat earth science, just a little. But believe it or not, there are some compelling things to it. Some will get angry just at the concept of a person considering a flat earth — this also is a piece of the argument for it. Why would any rage boil for a person’s imagining a non-conventional concept of their world? Don’t we live in the era of defying traditional norms and values? So why the hate over someone imagining a differently dimensional planet? Let’s examine.

One thing Flat-Earthers have in common with you is that they believe hordes and hordes of the populus conceal and fabricate real life details into total nonsense. They believe everybody’s “drunk the Kook-Aid” about one thing or another. In short, they believe in “conspiracy theory”. And to some extent, who doesn’t? Whether your flavor is to believe George Bush flew our own planes into NY city, or whether your’s is to simply buy into a group called the Illuminati secretly running the Economic and Political Power of the whole globe, the fact is many of us feel “magicianed”, like we are regularly being seduced and duped with mighty smoke and mirrors. So what’s so crazy about the Grandest Religion, the Cult of Science occasionally lying to people also?

Think about fake news, for a second. Wasn’t Journalism the institution created to…



Fox Kerry

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.