the CoverPuddles of a Technology that’s alive

Fox Kerry
1 min readSep 27, 2017

-they said the internet wouldn’t kill the newspapers, and that bookstores and libraries would be okay

they said it was just a one way street, that no one could look in on you whilst you browsed away

They said they’d control what you saw in there, that obscenity and pornography wouldn’t rise

They said you could trust it with what you shared, they said it wouldn’t burn out your eyes

That retail stores could come crashing down, that people would spend years of their life

Studying font and pixel around, on a page of white light and strange life

Who would of known what a web we had weaved, what stories we’d tuck in our liver

And now that great news, what we’ve made of our lives, it just sails off with clicks down some river

Is it really that bad, she asks from her Snapbook, looking up from that box as she moans.

Just go to that park, to that club, to that movie, and watch all those eyes trapped in phones.

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Fox Kerry

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.