I love you Brother

In Poetry

Fox Kerry
3 min readMar 18, 2023
Pic of Artist for his brother Kory

With weepy eyes
and strong ones also
and bloodshot commitment to summit
in your beauty-flecked sprawls
while’st your strokes spliced the world
I have seen you break through
and have moment
with a heart made of honey
and stony things grabbing
and monkeylike gods on your back
you struggle as duckwork
to make it all happen
to pull it off smoothly
in tact
With your reason and conscience
and your love for hot dust
and the musical bends in your puddle
and your mind … cold with fire
lit up like split atoms
alive in the juices … for flow
you remember it slightly
to forget it with effort
and loose piles of nonsense downstream
unchained from the nuisance
the heavy … and the highway
you chase … with the lightest of touch
yet everything’s heavy
like morphine … and mountain
and all of it tastes like some metal
but you love … and you love … and you fight off the bitter
and you pour what you have … in a vessel
and you are who you are
and you’ve settled with that
with a flame in your face … and your teeth
your jaw it is set
to release … what you’re holding
to ride that pole down … to some peace
and I wish it for you
I wish it with clenching
for you are my memory’s friend
I recall your beauty
kissed your lips as a baby
took in all your hunt … for this world
you remind me of Micah
or perhaps he of you
you shoulder-grab the world with your winsome
you heat up the elements
to see where they go
and you kick all…



Fox Kerry

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.