Calm Iron

Fox Kerry
1 min readSep 26, 2017

handsome rugged wayward eyes cuts a suffragist down to size

nothing edible in his beard, never a soul has called him weird

even bikers ask his mind to tell them where the soul to find

he just looks back to a land, a time when more was in his hand

never been a tool he couldn’t use to show a boy he shouldn’t

tobacco’s been a friend of his, but never a smoke has run his biz

he’ll get up when the moment’s ripe and make a rascal re-sheathe his knife

Three countries have known his piercing eye, but none have wished the man would die

His bark is gentle, his fists don’t tremble, but what you respect his features resemble

he asketh no one for respect, but show it not, good chance your’e wrecked

for storms they brew in quiet patches, where the sea is silent, till someone scratches.



Fox Kerry
Fox Kerry

Written by Fox Kerry

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.